IT Support Officer

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Job Description

  1. Monitor the internal network and internet traffic from the provider.
  2. Monitor the Wi-Fi network and ensure all devices are connected to the internet.
  3. Monitor and troubleshoot the CCTV network, and create a layout of the CCTV network system.
  4. Set up and monitor email and NAS accounts for new and existing employees.
  5. Record and maintain the PABX telephone system and perform necessary repairs.
  6. Analyze and troubleshoot software and hardware issues on employee PCs and laptops.
  7. Prepare inventory items such as laptops, PCs, mouse, and printers for new and existing employees.
  8. Ensure that computers in use are functioning normally and are connected to the network.
  9. Take responsibility for support devices such as printers, scanners, and other equipment.
  10. Set up and organize networks and data cables.
  11. Record and manage inventory items.


Career Level Qualification
Information Systems or Information Technology Bachelor Degree or related field
Years of Experience Career Type
2 Years Full-time

Additional Requirements

  • Male, up to 35 years old.
  • Bachelor’s degree in Information Systems or Information Technology.
  • Minimum of 2 years of experience in the IT field.
  • Good communication and problem-solving skills.

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